[Gllug] Uh oh, ministers consider "anti file-sharing laws"

John G Walker johngeoffreywalker at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Oct 26 09:55:10 UTC 2007

On Fri, 26 Oct 2007 10:43:48 +0100 Iain Conochie <iain at shihad.org>

> IMHO just because money and 
> property rights are "man made" as such (we define their place in 
> society) and as such are social realities, this does not justify the
> tag of being un-natural. They are a part of the natural world, just
> as the market economy is a natural state

It's not clear what you mean by "natural" here. I tend to use the word
"natural" to refer to what happens if there's no human intervention,
which is clearly not what you mean. perhaps you could define your terms.

Incidentally, as an economist, I'd categorise a market economy as
neither man-made not natural, but an unattainable ideal. But then I'm a
vulgar empiricist,

 All the best,
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