[Gllug] mtr one line puzzle

Minty mintywalker at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 19:07:30 UTC 2007

I'm currently on a telewest^^^ntl^^^virgin super super super
fast^^^slow cable modem connection.

If I "traceroute www.gllug.org.uk" I get a bunch of lines, as expected.

If i "ping www.gllug.org.uk" I get  responses, as expected.

If I "mtr www.gllug.org.uk" I get 1 line, something like:

Host                    Loss%  Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
1. s1.ukfsn.org  0.0%     19     2.7   2.0   1.5   3.3   0.5

This is on both a ubuntu and a osx laptop, both connected via a
linksys wireless router.

If I run openvpn, I get the multiple lines, showing each hop on the
route.  Which is what I would expect mtr to show.

If I run mtr from a remote box, I get the multiple lines, showing each
hop on the route.

What could be causing mtr to show just the one line?  Is there a way
to fix it?  The only other odd thing is that the ping times all seem
to be in the 1-3ms range when run from behind the virgin cable modem,
making me think whatever mtr is sending is not getting beyond the
cable modem.

Any pointers?

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