[Gllug] problem with expect

Pooly pooly7 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 21 17:03:32 UTC 2008


I'm trying to create a script to update a password in a
non-interactive way. It's working on my laptop but fails on my server.
Both are running the same configuration, using Etch.

This is the script:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
# Change user passwd
set timeout 30
strace 4
set password [lindex $argv 1]
set old_password [lindex $argv 2]

spawn passwd [lindex $argv 0]
sleep 1
expect "(current) UNIX password: $"
send "$old_password\r"
expect "Enter new UNIX password: $"
send "$password\r"
expect "Retype new UNIX password: $"
send "$password\r"
expect eof


On the server the output looks like this:
myuser at server:~$  /home/myuser/adm/chpasswd myuser NewPasswd OldPasswd
 2    lindex $argv 0
 1  set username [lindex $argv 0]
 2    lindex $argv 1
 1  set password [lindex $argv 1]
 2    lindex $argv 2
 1  set old_password [lindex $argv 2]
 1  spawn passwd $username
spawn passwd myuser
 1  sleep 1
 1  expect "(current) UNIX password: $"
Changing password for myuser
(current) UNIX password:  1  send "$old_password\r"
 1  expect "Enter new UNIX password: $"
Enter new UNIX password:  1  send "$password\r"
 1  expect "Retype new UNIX password: $"
 1  send "$password\r"
 1  expect eof
Retype new UNIX password:  1  exit 0

but strangely enough, on my laptop:
test at mars:/home/test/adm$ ./chpasswd test NewPasswd OldPasswd
 2    lindex $argv 1
 1  set password [lindex $argv 1]
 2    lindex $argv 2
 1  set old_password [lindex $argv 2]
 2    lindex $argv 0
 1  spawn passwd [lindex $argv 0]
spawn passwd test
 1  sleep 1
 1  expect "(current) UNIX password: $"
Changing password for test
(current) UNIX password:  1  send "$old_password\r"
 1  expect "Enter new UNIX password: $"
Enter new UNIX password:  1  send "$password\r"
 1  expect "Retype new UNIX password: $"
Retype new UNIX password:  1  send "$password\r"
 1  expect eof
passwd: password updated successfully
 1  exit 0

Any ideas why it's going wrong on the server ?

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