[Gllug] NHSnet Choose and Book

John Winters john at sinodun.org.uk
Thu Feb 14 14:14:19 UTC 2008

damion.yates at gmail.com wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Feb 2008, tid wrote:
>> The Congestion charge webpage lets you get all the way to the payment page
>> and then stops with firefox. Grrr.
> I've only ever paid using Mozilla or FF or various UNIX systems.
> However I couldn't log in a couple of weeks back and assumed their
> server was just busy.  It's always been slow and rubbish, and used to
> reset your session if you switched IP addresses half way through*.

That seems logical to me.  If someone has managed to snarf your cookie 
half way through a session you don't want them to be able to hi-jack 
whatever you're doing.


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