[Gllug] Is_Talktalk_linux-friendly

Ryan Cartwright ryan at crimperman.org
Mon Jul 14 16:33:05 UTC 2008

Alistair Mann wrote:
> Ryan Cartwright wrote:
>> AOL is unlikely to work with Linux because it requires on the Windows
>> software to connect you. That is unless something has changed since the
>> last time I had to help somebody else using it (a while back).
> AOL works fine with Linux: For ease, I suggest one connects through an 
> ethernet modem, which can be picked up brand new at misco for 15 quid. 

I stand corrected. As I said it was a while since I had helped somebody
using that particular ISP.

Ryan Cartwright
Gllug mailing list  -  Gllug at gllug.org.uk

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