[Gllug] Poor scripting?!

Andrew Farnsworth farnsaw at stonedoor.com
Tue Mar 11 18:43:42 UTC 2008

Andrew Black - lists wrote:
> Andrew Farnsworth wrote:
>> Henrik,
>>   This won't work, mainly because the perl string operator 'eq' does not 
>> recognize wild cards (i.e. the * character).  You will need to do a 
>> regex match to determine if ($_ =~ /cerprod$/) which will match the 
>> string 'cerprod' at the end of the string contained within the $_ variable.
> Which can more succinctly be written as
>     if ( /cerprod$/ )
You are correct, however, I NEVER use this form as it confuses non-perl 
programmers where ($_ =~ /cerprod$/) may confuse them but it gives them 
something to work with and things (like $_) to search for to get help.  
I write code in a land where the people who will be maintaining my code 
are mostly Java and/or Javascript people.
> This is because $_ is the default operand to a match.
>  > $regexp = shift @ARGV
> Would normally be written
>    $regexp = shift
> It is a usage that is (IMHO) so common in Perl that I wouldn't stop to 
> think that it is looking at @ARGV
Again, I would explicitly define my variables and breakup @ARGV into them.

my ($arg1, arg2, arg3) = @ARGV;

Though there are cases where you need to deal with variable number of 
parameters in which case this doesn't cut it.  But remember, that I am 
writing for non-perl programmers to maintain it.

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