[Gllug] Was - Re: Anyone using Virgin Media? - Virgin destroyed Telewest

Martyn Drake martyn at drake.org.uk
Sun Mar 9 11:47:46 UTC 2008

On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 6:38 PM, Alex Crow <acrow at integrafin.co.uk> wrote:

>  Virgin only seem to put the money in their flagship stuff, like
>  Atlantic. Everthing else they do is flogging at the bottom line. Even
>  the Sky packages are supposed to be better.

Really?  I've just flown with them to New York on business and
yesterday as I was trying to check in on line, I kept getting a
message that there was a problem with the reservation.  Called their
customer services number and was put through to India (to an
outsourcing company called WNS).  The chap cut me off almost
immediately.  Called back.  Spoke to a woman who said there was no
problems with the reservation and asked me to try again.  I did, same
problem.  So I got my wife (who is a manager for Lastminute.com) to
speak to them and although they now saw the problem, they thought it
had something to do with my passport (which was odd because it wasn't
a problem going out from the UK and entering the US).

After a lengthy discussion as to allocating aisle seats, my wife told
me that all was okay.  Several hours later I get an email from Virgin
Atlantic's customer service department to say that there is a problem
with the booking and I needed to contact them.  I replied to say that
I've already gone down that route and nobody seems to know what the
bloody hell is going on and that they would have to contact me.  I had
a window of being contacted at the hotel in which they could reach me.
 They didn't call until late at night to say that the flight was
oversold and they had to put me on another.  They told me that there
was a free shuttle between JFK (my original departure airport) and
Newark.  There isn't.

Upon getting here (for this is where I am at the moment writing this),
I've had my seat changed.  I've seen Upper Class passengers downgraded
to Economy and general fucking disorganisation from the airline.  I
mean, as for WNS, why the hell would you choose to have a customer
service centre that deals with travel in a country where most of your
staff are not likely to have set foot on a bloody aeroplane?

Virgin is only ever good PR.  That's all it is.  For all their
services.  The actual service part of it is utterly shit and Richard
Branson needs to get his act together.  I'm sure this is not the level
of quality is aiming for, but it certainly is that way!


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