[Gllug] Lonix - London Linux User Group (March 2008)

Tushar tjoshi at lonix.org.uk
Tue Mar 11 12:02:44 UTC 2008

Hi ,

Here are the details of the next meeting for Lonix,

Date:  Tuesday 11 Mar 2008 
Time:  6.00pm onwards
Place: The Jerusalem Tavern, 55 Britton Street, EC1M 5UQ
Map: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=EC1M+5UQ&ie=UTF8&ll=51.524526,-0.103769&spn=0.008197,0.024977&z=15&iwloc=addr 
Nearest Tube:  Farringdon 
Phone: 07980 224 772

Just a quick reminder about this evenings meeting as even I forgot after the weekend.....

It's been a while, but we're back for another meeting and this time it's in Farringdon in a tiny bar called Bar Jerusalem, which servers a wide range of St Peter's beers draft and in bottles. As usual we'll have more Linux, Apple, Unix and other talk with our favourite beers. Come along if it's your first time, we'll make meetings more regular from now on. Please try and come early since it is a small place and we'll try and grab the tables quickly.

At about 9pm we'll be heading off to another pub nearby so try and make it before then or meet us in the Dovetail 9, Jerusalem Passage, London, EC1V 4JP.

Matt Bland, long time Lonix'r is raising money through sponsorship for
his chosen charity "Beating Bowel Cancer" by taking up the challenge of a 10 day trek along the Great Wall of China in May this year.

Matt has already raised over 1400 and needs a bit more to make his target of 2,500. He'll be at the next meeting with his sponsorship forms or you can donate here http://www.justgiving.com/matthewbland


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