[Gllug] Future meetings - philosophy

Justin Perreault justinperreault at dl-jp.com
Wed Nov 12 15:02:29 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-11-11 at 17:02 +0000, David L Neil Mailing list a/c wrote:
> Should we bother organising GLLUG (physical) meetings - isn't the
> mailing list and IRC channel enough?

Yes, physical meetings provide benefits not available to us via the net,

> However the majority of the folk coming to the GLLUG stand in the
> LinuxExpo's .ORG Village wanted to know 'when's the next...', 'what
> happens at...' - to a man*!

I would have been part of the numbers if I wasn't tied up at the time.

> Here's me poking a stick in the ant-hill: is the "Greater" part of
> GLLUG's name a word for "too spread out to meet centrally", or have we
> reached a point in GLLUG's evolution where the 'youngsters' want to DO
> something whereas the mouldy-oldies are slipping into ever increasing
> levels of abstraction or virtualisation - where do you stand on this?

I am now living in Crawley (just south of gatwick). I have several
projects on the go that keep me from maintaining my email like I used
too but I still keep an eye out for meetings so I can try to arrange to
go to them. 

A calendar would be great and would increase the ability for me to
attend as I could book it ahead of time. A couple of weeks is just not
as long as it used to be.


If you are an adult, you can choose to act like a child. If you do not
accept being an adult, you are only a child. -JJJ

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