[Gllug] Ubuntu and me - suggestions requested (polite ones please)
C. Cooke
ccooke at gkhs.net
Thu Nov 13 23:11:03 UTC 2008
On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 10:57:04PM +0000, James Roberts wrote:
> Alan Pope wrote:
> > 2008/11/13 James Roberts <jr at stabilys.com>:
> >> We have had it not-work in many interesting ways.
> >>
> > Do you have links to the bug reports?
> No. I wipe and install something that works. I cannot trust something
> that is so fragile IME.
> But I keep trying, after I hear people tell me 'it's great!'.
For many people, it *is* great... However, if you don't report bugs, you
can't really fault it for never fixing them.
Ubuntu gets most of its testing on the desktop - until it gets
penetration into the server market, you have to assume that there's a
good chance you're the only person to use your particular combination of
server model/firmware/bios/etc... and of course, it won't *get* that
penetration until it has support for most of the server-class hardware
out there out of the box. Either way, but reports are the only way to
gain progress.
Perhaps next time, instead of actually trying Ubuntu, you could search
for a bug report for the problem that stopped you using it *this* time?
If it's fixed, you can at least know that. If not... well, a comment on
the bug report that it stopped you trying Ubuntu won't hurt anyone.
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37?k=1,j-=8:0));echo -ne "\E[$k;$j"mE;done;echo -e \\E[0m;done # Charles Cooke
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