[Gllug] b0rked firefox

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Mon Nov 17 22:50:12 UTC 2008

On 12 Nov 2008, Tethys told this:
> Yep. I had pretty much the same when I tried out FF3, decided it wasn't
> for me yet, and tried to go back to FF1.5. Apparently, the Mozilla
> people don't believe in non-destructive upgrades :-( This is particularly
> a problem for those of us with NFS mounted home directories. If one machine
> has FF3, and one has an older version, you're screwed.

To be fair this is not a problem unique to Mozilla. KDE has an entire
elaborate configuration updating system predicated on the assumption
that you are using the same versions of whateveritis across the network
of systems with access to a single shared $HOME, and that you won't want
to downgrade.

In fact I can't think of any Unix programs that expect their
configuration state to be *downgraded* on them, nor any that store
configuration state for incompatible succeeding versions in different
locations. They *all* do update-and-overwrite.

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