[Gllug] IBM Thinkpad Z61e for sale

Karanbir Singh mail-lists at karan.org
Fri Sep 19 11:55:27 UTC 2008

Peter Corlett wrote:
> Hypervisor-based systems such as Xen use less resources than full CPU  
> emulation such as KVM, Xen and Parallels. If you're specifically  
> interested in building lots of virtualised Linux boxes, I'd recommend  
> Xen.

In this case, the OP is looking to use Virt on a laptop, I doubt he is 
going to be running dozens of VM's each with a performance interest. And 
considering Xen lags in its kernel upstream support, does not work with 
a large number of drivers, does not like cpu throttling etc - it makes 
near zero sense running that on your laptop.

- KB
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