[Gllug] Oddity with virt-install

Stephen Nelson-Smith sanelson at gmail.com
Tue Sep 23 05:42:32 UTC 2008

Hi there,

> Your installation args appear to be a reasonable

Aha - but on a closer look they aren't!  Why would I need to specify
-s 4 if I've already passed it a logical volume?  Well, because the
logical volume doesn't exist - it's hb-test1 not ha-test1!

Having changed that, it all ran smoothly.  Some kind of message would
have been helpful rather than silently failing.  I'm not sure where
that knowledge should be though, does virt-install check if the
logical volume exists?  I appreciate it asks for the size, on the
command line, if you don't provide an image or logical volume of a
given size, but if the logical volume suggested doesn't exist, it's
not going to get lvm to make one, so we're onto a loser straight away
aren't we?

> I see you've got a i686 install tree for the guest - if you are trying to
> run this on a x86_64 host (ie a so called 32-on-64 install), then make
> sure you are using at least CentOS 5.2 - paravirt 32-on-64 is very flaky
> in Xen and RHEL-5.2 is first time it was reasonably stable.

Yes, I'm using RHEL 5-2 (and CentOS) this way.  Given that I don't do
any migration stuff I find it perfectly stable.  Wonder if it'll leave
technology preview soon?


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