[Gllug] Open source == 'Popular Computing'

Jose Luis Martinez jjllmmss at googlemail.com
Tue Apr 21 15:55:52 UTC 2009

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 4:12 AM, Simon Wilcox <essuu at ourshack.com> wrote:
> On 20/4/09 20:40, James Laver wrote:
>> I interviewed at a social network thingummyjig last year in central
>> london and asked them about release frequency. They told me they
>> release to live 4 times a day. I left shortly after.
> Why does frequency of release worry you ?
> If the automated testing and release systems are properly set up this
> should work well. Admittedly it scares the willies out of me and
> wouldn't work when you need third party sign off but it does seem to
> work very well for some people.

Automated testing?

You jest, surely.

No testing suite will be as devious as a normal user.

Releasing 4 times a day is a sure recipe for people working overtime
at the drop of a hat, but companies that do this sell such
environments as "dynamic" and "exciting"....
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