[Gllug] Wireless kit recommendation

Chris Bell chrisbell at 3966.ukfsn.org
Mon Aug 3 22:07:55 UTC 2009

On Mon 03 Aug, John Winters wrote:
> What would be more significant to concentrate on would be:
> a) Contention ratios.  ISPs really need to come clean about these.
> Probably too hard for your average journalist to understand though.

   My connection through UKFSN is provided by Enta over BT lines. Enta
appear to rent a basic capacity, plus additional capacity according to short
term requirements to meet their guaranteed minimum level of service. 

> c) My particular bug-bear - ISPs which advertise "Unlimited" connections
> and then put disclaimers in the small print which make it clear that the
> "Unlimited" bit was a lie, pure and simple.  Now that would be a far
> more worthwhile area for simplistic journalists to investigate - within
> their limited comprehension abilities *and* an issue about which one
> could have a genuine grievance.
> John

   I do most of my downloading overnight when it is really unlimited, while
very little is transferred during the chargeable weekday periods.

Chris Bell NEW address: chrisbell at chrisbell.org.uk
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www.chrisbell.org.uk (was www.overview.demon.co.uk)

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