[Gllug] security check

Phil Reynolds phil-gllug at tinsleyviaduct.com
Thu Aug 13 10:44:23 UTC 2009

Quoting "Joel Bernstein" <joel at fysh.org>:

> On 12 Aug 2009, at 10:01, Bruce Richardson wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 01:04:00PM +0100, Phil wrote:
>>> There are ways to get by without - but are C+S cards accepted at
>>> unmanned locations?
>> Intriguing.  Do you shop via Predator drone?  Or is there some
>> outlet on
>> the moon that you're keen to visit?
> Apparently there are filling stations in .fr and .be which have no
> staff at all. And where one pays only with credit card and PIN. Seems
> implausible on the basis of making it too easy to drive off without
> paying but that seems to be what is suggested here, and I've no reason
> to doubt its veracity.

Indeed - and often they tend to be on the cheaper side.

At Carrefour in Coquelles they have a few pumps which lead to a  
staffed till - before widespread adoption of C+P on British cards I  
used to go that way.

Knowing that, if my card was unacceptable, the unmanned pumps would  
refuse, I tried it out - and it worked.

I also used an unmanned filling station near Veurne last year. It was  
possible to get that machine to display English, which I did, but I  
could have coped in French which was available with one less screen  

The system at some Tesco and Asda stores over here is quite similar.

Phil Reynolds
mail: phil-gllug at tinsleyviaduct.com
Web: http://www.tinsleyviaduct.com/phil/
Waltham 66, Emley Moor 69, Droitwich 79, Windows 95

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