[Gllug] Heads-up: March meeting, "pavement to cloud"
David L Neil Mailing list a/c
GLLUG at getaroundtoit.co.uk
Sat Feb 28 23:20:29 UTC 2009
Nahuel Marisi wrote:
> I never managed to go to a GLLug meeting and I'm hoping I'll get to go
> to this one.
=we'll look forward to seeing you there...
> My only question is, what does a lighting talk entail?
=What can you say in five minutes?
=My only question is, what will be the subject of your light[n]ing talk?
> Cheers,
> Nahuel
=more seriously, we are fortunate to be able to boast a number of
members who are involved in FOSS projects, and a lightning talk is a
good way to run through a quick description, give out some key pointers,
help us stay up-to-date, and perhaps pick-up some testers, users,
contributors... (for example).
=I remember attending another group's event, a little while back, and
one of the later presenters turned up with an Eee. New at the time, it
attracted a lot of ?jealous? attention, and he ended-up being cajoled
into giving us a quick demo before the formal presentations began!
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