[Gllug] Purchasing music online

Christopher Hunter cehunter at gb-x.org
Mon Feb 2 07:35:23 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 00:02 +0000, Tethys wrote:
> --------
> Jose Luis Martinez writes:
> >Wait a couple of days? Sorry, I fail to see the competitive advantage
> >or convenience in that :-)
> By doing so, I have my music in a DRM free, 

...unless it's a Sony / BMG release (about one CD in three)

> lossless format,

...not according to us "analogue-heads" (analogue is "infinitely
sampled") - there is NO digital format that comes close in overall
fidelity to a properly aligned analogue recording and playback chain.

>  that I can easily convert to Ogg Vorbis / MP3 / whatever at a later 
> point, and it's on a handy plastic disc that acts as a backup should 
> anything happen to my hard drives.

That's the only advantage I can see!  However, the space taken up by the
thousands of CDs in my home could be better used for other things.

> The only downside is the lack of instant gratification, but to be honest, 
> if you really can't wait a couple of days to hear the new album by a band 
> you like, then you have problems.

The downside, with most current recordings, is that if you wait for that
"cooling-off" period, the music will certainly not be as appealing!


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