[Gllug] Introductions to Databases

Grzegorz Jaskiewicz gj at pointblue.com.pl
Fri Jul 17 09:52:42 UTC 2009

On 16 Jul 2009, at 17:31, Hari Sekhon wrote:

> Grzegorz Jaskiewicz wrote:
>> The reason, built in one was promised couple of times, is because
>> PostgreSQL development doesn't release anything, unless patch is
>> accepted as high quality code.
>> That's the reason replication is not in 8.4. It will be ready for  
>> 8.5,
>> and it is very high on PostgreSQL hackers list
> It should be. I spoke to one of their lead developers at last year's
> Linux Expo. Had to tell him to get with the program and do replication
> properly. It is "the" feature they need.
> MySQL has replication for God's sake, how can Postgres' claim blah  
> blah
> superiority and not have such a killer feature?
> I told the guy straight up that nobody cares about the purity of  
> their code.
> They want features they can use and stability enough to just not  
> break.
> Otherwise everyone is just running MySQL instead since it's the only
> open source alternative with it.
> If it's high on the Postgres' hackers, it's about time! (Perhaps I
> kicked a bit to get on with it?)
> Less superior-than-thou bashing and more replication I say!

seriously, as postgresql expert - I am really annoyed by that sort of  
argument 'no replication built in, useless...' .
Well, that sort of people still use windows. Like I always say,  
billions of flies cannot be mistaken....

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