[Gllug] WiFi modem / routers etc - recommendations for increased range please!

Andrew Davies amd_uk at lineone.net
Mon Jun 8 13:12:37 UTC 2009

> Any suggestions would be appreciated. TIA.
> Bob Giles.

Consider, also, power line adaptors. They're similar to wireless in that 
you won't know what level of performance, if any, you're going to get 
until you plug them in but they *should* be a better alternative than 
trying to fight through steel.
My BT Vision box came with a "free" pair and they work fine for allowing 
internet access over 15 feet between floors.

I believe that there are issues with competing "standards" in this area 
so make sure you research them thoroughly. I'm sure that there are 
people here who can give you more information than me.
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