[Gllug] Unexpected server reboot

Simon Morris mozrat at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 08:40:23 UTC 2009


Today a server decided to reboot itself and I can't find a logical
reason why it happened.

The server is an IBM x3850 running RHEL5.

Looking in the log files I find...

[root at LON0WEBNATIVE01 log]# grep -r 'Jun 16 07:50' *
acpid:[Tue Jun 16 07:50:46 2009] received event "button/power PWRF
00000080 00000001"
acpid:[Tue Jun 16 07:50:46 2009] notifying client 4666[68:68]
acpid:[Tue Jun 16 07:50:46 2009] executing action "/bin/ps awwux
| /bin/grep gnome-power-manager | /bin/grep -qv grep || /sbin/shutdown
-h now"
acpid:[Tue Jun 16 07:50:46 2009] BEGIN HANDLER MESSAGES
acpid:[Tue Jun 16 07:50:46 2009] END HANDLER MESSAGES
acpid:[Tue Jun 16 07:50:46 2009] action exited with status 0
acpid:[Tue Jun 16 07:50:46 2009] completed event "button/power PWRF
00000080 00000001"
cron:Jun 16 07:50:01 LON0WEBNATIVE01 crond[22778]: (root) CMD
(python /usr/share/rhn/virtualization/poller.py)
messages:Jun 16 07:50:25 LON0WEBNATIVE01 snmpd[3852]: Connection from
UDP: []:51666 
messages:Jun 16 07:50:39 LON0WEBNATIVE01 last message repeated 315 times
messages:Jun 16 07:50:46 LON0WEBNATIVE01 shutdown[22786]: shutting down
for system halt
messages:Jun 16 07:50:48 LON0WEBNATIVE01 smartd[4797]: smartd received
signal 15: Terminated 
messages:Jun 16 07:50:48 LON0WEBNATIVE01 smartd[4797]: smartd is exiting
(exit status 0) 
messages:Jun 16 07:50:48 LON0WEBNATIVE01 avahi-daemon[4636]: Got
SIGTERM, quitting.
messages:Jun 16 07:50:48 LON0WEBNATIVE01 avahi-daemon[4636]: Leaving
mDNS multicast group on interface virbr0.IPv6 with address
messages:Jun 16 07:50:48 LON0WEBNATIVE01 avahi-daemon[4636]: Leaving
mDNS multicast group on interface virbr0.IPv4 with address
messages:Jun 16 07:50:48 LON0WEBNATIVE01 avahi-daemon[4636]: Leaving
mDNS multicast group on interface eth1.IPv6 with address
messages:Jun 16 07:50:48 LON0WEBNATIVE01 avahi-daemon[4636]: Leaving
mDNS multicast group on interface eth1.IPv4 with address
messages:Jun 16 07:50:48 LON0WEBNATIVE01 avahi-daemon[4636]: Leaving
mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv6 with address
messages:Jun 16 07:50:48 LON0WEBNATIVE01 avahi-daemon[4636]: Leaving
mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
messages:Jun 16 07:50:48 LON0WEBNATIVE01 libvirt-qemud: Shutting down on
signal 15
messages:Jun 16 07:50:48 LON0WEBNATIVE01 dnsmasq[4618]: exiting on
receipt of SIGTERM
messages:Jun 16 07:50:49 LON0WEBNATIVE01 rhnsd[4397]: Exiting

The server seems to have shut itself down cleanly and then come back

There is one instance of a similar problem [1] but I was wondering if
anyone else had seen this before or had a clue




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