[Gllug] Wanted - small (20, 30, 40gb) ide disks for kids' computers

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Thu Nov 19 01:08:03 UTC 2009

On 16 Nov 2009, Peter Childs spake thusly:
> I'm guessing a floppy would work too. Its the only purpose I've found
> for good old floppies in the last few years!

Thankfully the newer machines that don't have floppy drives also don't
have BIOSes with this sort of odious bug. (Not one of my current
machines has floppies. No problem at all: you can't boot off a floppy
these days 'cos the kernel won't fit, and any halfway decent machine has
PXE. Hell, one of my machines gives you the choice of PXE or dismantling
the machine to swap in a preinstalled drive to boot it for the first
time. No floppy drive, no CDROM, no booting from USB.)
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