[Gllug] Take a look at my photos on Facebook

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Thu Nov 19 01:38:30 UTC 2009

On 16 Nov 2009, Christopher Hunter spake thusly:
> I moaned, ranted and complained about the instability of Microsoft's
> "Latest and Greatest" and was told that I was wrong, and that Windows 7
> was "perfect" and "couldn't" Blue Screen!   

But the adverts say it is 'more stable'.

You don't mean they might be... *wrong*? Obviously not intentionally,
whoever would attribute dishonesty to an advertising man, upstanding
members of society all. Oh yes.

>                                     The most galling thing about the
> whole affair is that they expect their victims to PAY to be Beta
> Testers!

... and then release annoying ads in which they laud beta testing as
'being the boss'. (Except for the lack of power and the way the money
flows the wrong way and the way you have no control and, thank god, the
way you don't have to talk to Ballmer.)

(but, really, this pay-for-beta-testing habit is called the proprietary
software industry. In the free software industry of course we release
our software and end-users *choose* to be beta testers, indeed often
competing in their thousands for the privilege of being first to install
Ubuntu Nightmare Nautilus and lose their systems to an undiagnosed
interaction of ext4 with bogons. This is obviously much more advanced
and also more amusing to watch, from a safe distance of course.)

> Remember - if "Windows" is the answer, it was a stupid question!

I want to see some daylight during the day and opening the door lets in
an annoying draft. Other people have holes in their walls but that lets
a draft in too, plus the rain can get in. Is there a way I can let the
light in but not the wind?
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