[Gllug] Wanted - small (20, 30, 40gb) ide disks for kids' computers

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Thu Nov 19 22:53:18 UTC 2009

On 19 Nov 2009, damion yates spake thusly:
>> More people should try this.
> It's been amazingly trivial to install via remote serial console on Unix
> for years.

Indeed. The biggest problem is BIOS support for when things go really
wrong. IPMI claims to fix this but in my experience barely works at the
best of times (often going spontaneously nonresponsive until power is
totally removed and reapplied). I suspect the firmware on your average
BMC of being crashy shit.

Cloning existing machines this way is easy too, via PXE netbooting and
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