[Gllug] VACANCY: Junior Systems Support

Caroline Ford caroline.ford.work at googlemail.com
Sun Sep 13 13:57:27 UTC 2009

On 13 Sep 2009, at 14:48, Nix <nix at esperi.org.uk> wrote:

> On 10 Sep 2009, Hari Sekhon said:
>> What about people in between, working professionals who earn a decent
>> wage but can't do much with it because priority is given to the  
>> poorer
>> people who didn't work their way
> I'm trying to figure out who is giving 'priority' here. It's plainly  
> not
> the free market: the richer can pay more there so get preferential
> treatment.
> So you plainly mean you want working professionals to get priority  
> from
> *government* over, say, the poor.
> i.e., you think more should be given to those who have, at the  
> expense of
> those who have not.
> What a repulsive attitude.

No it's just priority to the author. Sadly predictable.

Can this thread go away so we can leave the fash on the list to fester?

It's just creating a list of people who I'd never like to meet and/or  

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