[Gllug] VACANCY: Junior Systems Support

Hari Sekhon hpsekhon at googlemail.com
Mon Sep 7 09:25:13 UTC 2009

Peter Corlett wrote:
> On 6 Sep 2009, at 21:08, James Laver wrote:
> [...]
>> Of the people I know with genuine, real clue, about half of them have
>> degrees.
> How do you know whether or not those people do or do not have degrees?  
> Many people assume I have a degree, for example.
I think most people I've worked with assume I have a degree level or two 
over theirs actually...

>> Attending lectures for 3 years does not make you good with
>> computers, especially in these days when we have widely available
>> internet resources for people to learn from.
> I'm not sure that Wikipedia is a substitute for a well-structured  
> programme of learning :)
>> On the other hand I'm
>> interested as to what percentage of people with clue are more inclined
>> to take a degree (coming at it from the other angle).
> People with Clue are likely to take on any challenge which interests  
> them, including obtaining a degree. However, a CS degree isn't likely  
> to be much fun for somebody who is already in the industry, as they'll  
> have advanced beyond that level already.
> I've been contemplating going to the Open University, partly for the  
> intellectual stimulation and partly to avoid awkwardness when people  
> ask me about my degree, but haven't really picked a subject yet. I  
> might not even go for a science.

I'm in exactly the same position.

Now if only I could find something that wasn't a waste of time and money 
that I could use for career skills instead...

Eventually the very slow moving academic world may catch up a bit to 
where the faster paced IT and business industries are today and perhaps 
start to allow for credits to experience in particular areas or at the 
very least certain other common industry qualifications that obviously 
tick off systems or databases or programming languages etc. Might be 
best to wait until then.


Hari Sekhon

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