[Gllug] VACANCY: Junior Systems Support

Richard Jones rich at annexia.org
Sun Sep 6 22:21:09 UTC 2009

On Sun, Sep 06, 2009 at 09:08:14PM +0100, James Laver wrote:
> Frankly, I got bored in school when we were being told that computers  
> have more hard disk space than RAM [1], which is a bit of a jaw- 
> dropping 'no, really' moment. If I'd gone to university and sat  
> through all of that crap, there's no way in hell I'd want to do any IT  
> work beyond desktop support (and frankly the idea that I might want to  
> do desktop support scares the crap out of me).

A good university course can't be described as "crap" and you
certainly won't be talking about hard disk space vs RAM.

Nix mentioned complexity theory already, which is vital in many areas
of programming.  I'll mention:

- Parallel architectures: More important than ever now, and very
little understood (although many spout incorrect opinions on the

- Functional programming: Also more important than ever although most
don't realize it.

- Theory of databases.

- Theory of user interface design.

- Mathematics behind encryption and a whole load of other stuff.


Richard Jones
Red Hat
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