[Gllug] Unsubscribing and why

Stephen Nelson-Smith sanelson at gmail.com
Wed Aug 25 11:37:21 UTC 2010


On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 6:52 PM, Steve Parker <steve at steve-parker.org> wrote:
> As a relatively new lurker to this mailing list, and having been unaware
> of the #gllug channel until recent events, I find this comment informative:
> On 24/08/10 16:09, Henrik Bilar wrote:
>> #gllug, where I've been participating since about 2005, has for as long as
>> I've known it been a place where discussions have not really circled
>> around Linux, or even computers in general.
> I tend to expect Linux channels to be about Linux

For as long as I can remember (which is a very long time) the #gllug
channel has always been a mixture of old (and new) friends who mostly
met via linux/gllug chatting about whatever comes up, including linux.
 If you join the channel, expect to see random chatter, some of it
probably coarse.  Don't expect to automatically fit in... it's
generally friendly, but can be a bit cliquey and in-jokey.  If you
don't like it /part is your friend.

Stephen Nelson-Smith
Technical Director
Atalanta Systems Ltd
Gllug mailing list  -  Gllug at gllug.org.uk

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