[Gllug] sharing folders between users

John Edwards john at cornerstonelinux.co.uk
Wed Feb 17 16:57:17 UTC 2010

On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 04:40:41PM +0000, Justin Perreault wrote:
> I am wanting to share files between two users on one machine. It does
> not make sense to me that I would need to install smb to do that.
> I have tried setting up an extra user adding the real users to its
> group. 
> So far no success. Searching found me
> http://insanelabs.com/tag/share-directory/ 
> I'm not sure why that did not work. I'm going to start looking at
> selinux to see if that is causing interference.

Before describing "why" it does not work, could you describing
"how" it does not work.

Can you view the contents of directories as any of the 3 users?

Can you read files as any of the 3 users?

Can you create new files as any of the 3 users?

Can you write to existing files as any of the 3 users?

What does 'ls -al' show in those directories?

Running commands like "groups" and "members" will check that
you have the group membership correct. Also remember that group
membership is set at login, so you will need to logout after
making changes.

What selinux controls depends on what defaults your Linux
distribution has set and if you have changed any of them.

I would also say that the "new user" is not really needed.
You just need a new group, add the 2 users to that and you
can set up the shared directory anywhere you like (eg 
somewhere under /srv/).

|    John Edwards   Email: john at cornerstonelinux.co.uk    |
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