[Gllug] Command-line ODBC client - recommendations?

Richard Huxton dev at archonet.com
Tue Feb 2 11:59:02 UTC 2010

On 02/02/10 11:15, Joel Bernstein wrote:
> On 2 February 2010 10:12, Richard Huxton<dev at archonet.com>  wrote:
>> I've got a MS-SQL server I'm accessing from a linux box. No problem from
>> Perl or PHP over ODBC, but on the command-line all I've got is "isql".
>> Anyone know of anything better? Moving from psql to isql is like going
>> from bash to ms-dos.
> Not very familiar with isql -- is the issue more than just
> tab-completion and command history and so on? Running "rlwrap isql"
> will fix those by wrapping isql in libreadline...

Ah - not come across "rlwrap". Sounds useful.

It's tab-completion, feeding results to a pager for wrapping purposes, 
sourcing a file from the command-prompt that sort of thing.

> Since you have Perl DBI working, why not consider the "dbish"
> DBI::Shell? http://search.cpan.org/~tlowery/DBI-Shell-11.95/

Aha! Now this looks like it might be promising. Can't believe I didn't 
think to search cpan. Since you and Bruce Richardson have suggested it, 
I'll investage further.

Thanks to both of you.

   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd
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