[Gllug] Linux weather station!

Benjamin Donnachie benjamin at py-soft.co.uk
Sun Feb 21 18:44:31 UTC 2010

On 21 February 2010 15:56, Christopher Hunter <cehunter at gb-x.org> wrote:
> Here's a couple of soldering irons to get you going.  The first is a
> cheap, mains powered job which is OK if you're just throwing something
> together quickly:
> http://cpc.farnell.com/antex/s582470/model-xs-25-soldering-iron/dp/AN00011

I can't find mine at the moment but I think it's one of these,
http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=4063, which looks
identical.  So potentially more technique than equipment; I know the
theory but putting it into practice is another matter.

> It's OK (and pretty cheap), but a better option is:
> http://cpc.farnell.com/duratool/d00675/soldering-station-uk-plug/dp/SD01387
> ...which is a proper, temperature-controlled unit.  I've got two of
> these here, with a selection of bits, and they work well.

Not a bad price either!  Think I'll add it to my wish list! :)

Take care,

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