[Gllug] printer shops

general_email at technicalbloke.com general_email at technicalbloke.com
Sat Jan 9 09:30:42 UTC 2010

Peter Corlett wrote:
> On 8 Jan 2010, at 15:01, JLMS wrote:
> [...]
>> The brain does not work in a linear way, it is unpredictable and easily
>> fooled.  I have explained myself abundantly in other messages.
> You have?
> All you seem to have done is claim that technology can solve the problem of incompetent people driving recklessly. However, it obviously can't, otherwise it'd already be fitted in all cars by New Labour diktat.

I hear Leo Laport the other day explaining how he'd been talking to a
bunch of Ford engineers about this and they reckon they've been
technically able to make self driving cars for years but that focus
groups have repeatedly shown the public really hate the idea so there's
not been the will to invest in it. That's meant the field has remained
the province of small companies, mostly for military use, see...


All that will eventually change though, several big car manufacturers
have stated they have plans to make cars that drive themselves, at least
on the motorways, once the CIVS standard is ratified.

> We already have a much simpler solution: we find these dangerous nutters, hopefully before they kill somebody, and take their driving licence away until they have learned how to safely operate a car. Much more effective than something out of a science-fiction book.

That's going to seem like a quaint idea a few generations hence!


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