[Gllug] A linux printer ?

'lesleyb' lesleyb at herlug.org.uk
Tue Oct 5 10:16:54 UTC 2010

On Tue, Oct 05, 2010 at 09:53:07AM +0000, Chris Bell wrote:
> On Tue 05 Oct, Jan Henkins wrote:
> > 
> >   On 05/10/10 08:56, Chris Bell wrote:
> > >
> > >     Any chance you could revert to plain text please!?
> > >
> > 
> > What Email client are you using?
> > 
>    Does that affect what is sent? I deliberately configure my reader to view
> emails as plain ASCII text and not open RTF or HTML emails because of
> security considerations, while I understand that it can cause problems for
> others trying to read emails on some hand-held devices.
I use mutt and display all messages in plain text so I get to see all the 
markup in any HTML mail.  The mail content is obscured by the markup but the 
HTML is not interpreted and there is AFAIK no security concern there.  
Likewise any embedded Javascript.  I have no idea how RTF mail would be 

If I could be bothered I suppose I could view the mail in a browser of my 
choice but I simply ignore HTML mail.  If people on a list such as this can't
stick to plain text then I can't be bothered to read their contributions. 
Anything else is marketing and may be of either limited or no interest.

I know the thunderbird email client allows one to avoid the interpretation 
of embedded Javascript and it allows one to format outgoing mail as text only.  
IIRC you can also set the incoming mail to be viewed as text only?  It is 
a long time since I have used thunderbird.


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