[Gllug] To partition or not to partition

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Wed Oct 20 23:13:59 UTC 2010

On 20 Oct 2010, Richard Jones verbalised:
> The issue (raised on fedora-devel-list) is whether to break with
> strict FHS compliance.
> I have mixed feelings about the FHS, POSIX and such-like: I feel it's
> rather like delegating decisions to the EU.  As an organization it's

Well, one rarely *delegates* decisions to either. They standardize
things that various Linuxes/Unixes have tried out and found to
work. That's all. The few times either have tried to come up with
ideas themselves, they've been disasters (as is so often true of
standards groups).

> more closed and far slower moving than decision-making at the local
> (Fedora, Debian etc) level.  It also seems to me that people policy-
> launder unpopular stuff through POSIX to avoid having to make
> decisions openly (same for the EU for that matter).

I'd say that POSIX is useful for one thing: you can program to it and be
pretty damn sure that it'll run just about everywhere (some of us have
to write code that runs on non-Linux platforms too).
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