[Gllug] Xmodmap Help

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Thu Sep 23 21:58:10 UTC 2010

On 23 Sep 2010, James Hawtin spake thusly:
> I do not see what is wrong with "k", may fonts do it differently and that is
> great, however King is spelt "K I N G" not "BLOB I N G". What you are doing
> is mess up every spelling correction program word processing, and email,
> etc. You don't change a rendering of a font by stopping using the letter and
> replacing it with "BLOB".

Despite being the first person to draw attention to this, I really do
think we're going over the top. Yes, it's sort of loony, but it's easy
to search-and-replace things back again. (I'd like to say I don't have
equally visible looninesses but I can't lie that well.)

I mean, who on earth runs spell-checkers over someone else's *email*?
Nobody, that's who. Because the idea is every bit as loony as eschewing
common letters for religious reasons.

> Religious/Spritual reasons? More like some don't like the way it looks, I
> however think it is just fine as it is. In the same way I find no need to 
> to use "txt" speak in email.

R3a11y? Y n0t? It is l33t (or perhaps that should be '00l1t3' these days,
since Elite has been surpassed in my affections). It is also much more
unreadable than anything which 'Krishna Birth' did. :)
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