[Gllug] london hackspace news / Cheap 2nd hand rackmount servers

JLMS jjllmmss at googlemail.com
Tue Apr 5 23:02:03 UTC 2011

On 2 April 2011 12:34, tid <td at bloogaloo.co.uk> wrote:
>> There is a move out of the large cities, but datacentres there are
>> still growing. Telehouse Docklands has a lot of building work going
>> on at the moment.
> I've always wondered why more companies don't see Telehouse
> as 'risky' given it's positioning in regards to london's flood maps.
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/finkangel/1932692179/
> I guess it falls under 'acceptable risk' for most of the clients I've
> dealt with. One large US newspaper conglomerate certainly felt
> that a datacenter in Exeter was less of a risk.
> Tid

When was the last time that part of London flooded?

The physical barriers in place are more than adequate for the short
and medium term.
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