[Gllug] VACANCY: Junior Sysadmin/Helpdesk/1st-line support

Gary Pownall gary_pownall at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 3 01:07:14 UTC 2011

On 1 Feb 2011, at 11:40, - Tethys wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 9:40 AM, Gary Pownall <gary_pownall at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> It's an employer's market these days, though I do agree that 12k for sysadmin is disgraceful!!
> Perhaps so, but I feel we're being a bit harsh on James here. He's
> complied with all of the GLLUG vacancy posting requirements, and
> everyone's still having a go at him. If the salary is too low, feel
> free to not apply for the job. If everyone else feels like you, the
> company will notice the lack of applicants and may reconsider the
> salary they're prepared to offer. If suitably qualified people do
> apply, then the market will have proved their salary offer right.
> Personally, I feel the salary is way too low for the desired level of
> skill. But I'm not going to criticise them for offering it. Maybe
> they'll get a great candidate who's happy to work for that amount of
> money. And if they do, it's hard to see what they've done wrong.
> They'll have got themselves a good deal.
> Tet

Nowhere in my email was I having a go at James in any way, shape or form.  Unless expressing  a personal opiniion is. . .  'having a go...'

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