[Gllug] My Internet experience in the West at times is comparable to female foeticide

Andrew Back andrew at osmosoft.com
Wed Jun 22 09:33:42 UTC 2011

On Jun 22, 2011 10:01 AM, "Krishna Birth" <krishnabirth at gmail.com> wrote:
> I believe that I am being banned, treated badly and threatened to stop
> posting from certain Linux, PC, Software and Font internet forums and
> mailing lists because I have a beyond religion or spiritual realm
> cause in the projects that I am posting about.
> When I read / listen about female infanticide / female foeticide, it
> shows that this is happening why -- there is the cultural factor
> operating.

I think that to compare your grievances in how you are handled on a mailing
list to such issues is a demonstration of incredibly poor taste. Not to
mention an absurdly elevated sense of personal wrongdoing.

>My content is different and thus that is the reason that
> I am being banned, treated badly and threatened to stop posting from
> certain Linux, PC, Software and Font internet forums and mailing
> lists.

I cannot speak for anyone but myself, but I do suspect that people may find
your posts woefully off-topic. This is a technical mailing list and you are
posing spiritual questions.

Put simply, there is nothing you can do to force people to share your
beliefs. Moreover, if they do not, and you just merrily continue to push
your agenda, all you will achieve is to remove value from that list.
Furthermore, you run the real very risk of doing your religion a disservice,
as you irritate people and serve to entirely close them off to it.

Instead of "poisoning the well", why not start up a new camp specifically
for those who share your beliefs?


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