[Gllug] My Internet experience in the West at times is comparable to female foeticide

Christopher Hunter cehunter at gb-x.org
Wed Jun 22 21:23:36 UTC 2011

On Wed, 2011-06-22 at 12:08 +0100, James Hawtin wrote:
> Nix wrote:
> > I dunno, you never know when something might go wrong. Me, I had a hot
> > spare. It turned out to be very useful. I learned the value of failover
> > early!
> >   
> I can see the value in that, however think you are still running a risk 
> there.
> > (US Christian 'ensoulment at conception' people tend to go away when I
> > ask them if this means I only have half a soul. The answer is obviously
> > yes, as anyone who knew me would attest!)
> >
> >   
> I am concerned about this "hot spare" idea, either it is fully up to 
> date in which means
> you are running, raid 1 mirrored souls (so have 2 but they are the same) 
> or you will
> need to detect the impending failure of your primary soul and will need 
> time to down
> load it to your spare otherwise you will risk oblivion. However this 
> risk could be minimized
> by proactive early soul replacement, swapping out as the risk of failure 
> rises. If you don't mind having
> a "gappy" soul, you could update it periodically, however if you are 
> overwriting your backup soul,
> and get a failure at that point you could end up with a corrupted soul 
> with all that entails.
> James

In retrospect, my soul was corrupted a long, long time ago!


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