[Gllug] My Internet experience in the West at times is comparable to female foeticide

Krishna Birth krishnabirth at gmail.com
Wed Jun 22 09:00:57 UTC 2011

I believe that I am being banned, treated badly and threatened to stop
posting from certain Linux, PC, Software and Font internet forums and
mailing lists because I have a beyond religion or spiritual realm
cause in the projects that I am posting about.

When I read / listen about female infanticide / female foeticide, it
shows that this is happening why -- there is the cultural factor
operating.  My content is different and thus that is the reason that
I am being banned, treated badly and threatened to stop posting from
certain Linux, PC, Software and Font internet forums and mailing

To be fair there are some useful responses on  some internet forums /
mailing lists and threads.  Not all members are the same.

On the other hand for example in Britain Linux User Groups (LUGs) --
Swlug (South Wales) has banned my posting to it's Linux group,
Staffslug (Staffordshire)  only yesterday threatened me with banning.
Oxlug (Oxfordshire) does not allow me to post.  Same with the other
Sheflug (Sheffield).

Some not all internet forums/mailing list organisers need some
educating and need to educate others for example by having some
by-laws and rules so that I am treated without these problems.


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