[Gllug] Big Buck Bunny 1080p

- Tethys tethys at gmail.com
Thu May 12 09:56:15 UTC 2011

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 2:33 PM, John Hearns <hearnsj at googlemail.com> wrote:

> The guy who looks after the Cinepaint fork of Gimp, Robin Rowe, gave a
> talk to GLLUG several years ago.
> (I now feel quite old.)

I recall being both inspired and depressed by that talk. Inspired
because the work they'd done was great, but depressed because it
served as a perfect example of how open source projects sometimes fail
their users. The only reason cinepaint exists at all was because the
gimp developers wouldn't even acknowledge the needs of some of their
users, let alone address those needs in a timely manner.


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