[Gllug] Big Buck Bunny 1080p

David L Neil GLLUG at GetAroundToIt.co.uk
Thu May 12 08:44:00 UTC 2011


>> - how Linux is adapting to the multi-core, multi-processor future
>> - tuning Linux so efficiently that it squeaks
>> - when to move from multiple OTS systems to a rack, ... to blades, ...
>> to a cluster?
>> - aligning database techniques, eg partitioning, sharding (even RDBMS cf
>> NoSQL) to hardware configuration/technology choices (eg above)
>> - uses for parallel processing even when you're not splitting the atom
>> - gotchas/issues when sharing buses, RAM, HD arrays/SANs, ...
>> - management software for a 'multi' environment
>> - programming languages and tools in a 'multi' environment
>> - what the sci-community can teach business people moving into Business
>> Analytics and other heavy number-crunching/'big-data' applications
> Come on, you're not being buzzword compliant.  Nothing about "clouds" ...?
> Rich.

Surely, regarding GLLUG, not even the (cloudy) sky is the limit?
(actually I was thinking of topics that would interest a range of 
members, and that not many of us work on local or remote clouds).

Mind you I figured that if he took on the task at a more hardware/OpSys 
level, we could count upon virt-Rich to put together a complementary 
talk... an ideal opportunity for you to talk about how there'ĺl be no 
need to learn a new tool when moving between VM and cloud environments!

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