[GLLUG] Alternative to Google web mail ?

MJ mirojrsc at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Aug 20 10:55:07 UTC 2013

Hm, why not www.startmail.com. But no, we lazy Brits should have started our own paid for service last year. 
Meaning like, yesterday. 'Cus, not all can afford PGP but it'll still be safer, as all must go through a strong HTTPS.
A service that says Erm, NO! Our customers data is CLASIFIED. Unless you are the customer, you can not have 
any data off our servers. PERIOD! No bad feelings, towards any G'ma, 'twas just a business strategy. This being 
out of the box thinking. Specially the one that has metal and or mental bars as well ;).

On Mon, 19/8/13, Jean van Wyngaardt <gabrieldrumming at gmail.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [GLLUG] Alternative to Google web mail ?
 To: "The mailing list for the Greater London Linux User Group" <gllug at mailman.lug.org.uk>
 Date: Monday, 19 August, 2013, 13:59
 Wow.. This makes me happy. I hate all
 email clients apart from Apple Mail, been waiting for
 someone to do something like this for ages!
 On 19 Aug 2013, at 13:21, Rob Crowther <robertc at boogdesign.com>
 > On 19/08/2013 01:10, pavithran wrote:
 >> What are the alternatives to have a web based mail
 client ?
 > Not immediately useful, but I think this Mailpile
 project on Indiegogo might be interesting in the future:
 > http://igg.me/at/mailpile/x/2925674
 > Rob
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