[GLLUG] Sendmail DoS Question

Tim Woodall t at woodall.me.uk
Thu Oct 25 20:26:34 UTC 2018

On Wed, 24 Oct 2018, Ken Smith via GLLUG wrote:

> Hi All
> I've been noticing what looks like an attempt at a DoS on my mail server. 
> Various hosts open sets of SSL sessions to port 465 and then sit there not 
> exchanging any traffic. The server is set to allow 20 sendmail processes and 
> the miscreant gets that number of session going effectively DoSing the 
> service. Easily remedied by killing it all and restarting the daemon. I've 
> adjusted sendmail's timeouts to drop these malicious sessions.
> The session processes get stuck looking like this in ps.
> sendmail: server [] startup
> I've also set a connection limit to port 465 in iptables to reject these 
> multiple sessions that appear to originate in batches from the same IP and 
> then from another IP and so on.
> Anyone else seeing this and out of interest what mode is sendmail in when its 
> shows "startup". I've tried manually connecting and sending e-mail either in 
> plain text or via ssl and don't see that status.
> Thanks
> Ken
I'm seeing similar - although it doesn't seem to be causing me any
issues other than rather large logs.

Just added another /24 to my evil.cidr list.



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