[GLLUG] GLLUG still alive?

Carles Pina i Estany carles at pina.cat
Tue Aug 13 19:14:50 UTC 2024


On 13 Aug 2024 at 17:52:30, Polarian via GLLUG wrote:

> > there haven't in-person meetings for many years except for an
> > occasional meet-up in a pub.
> I thought that was what most lug meetups were, discussing Linux and
> FOSS stuff over a nice pint.

Besides other possible reasons mentioned in the thread, I also think
that there have been some specialization: before a LUG was to talk about
programming, databases, system administration technologies, etc.

I moved out from London in 2019, but while I was there I could find
meetups (usually in meetup.com, check there as well) about *specifics*:
-Python meetups (any OS...) (there were more than one group per month!
Python Code Dojo for coding, Python talks, etc.)
-Django framework meetups (framework that uses Python)
-I think that PostgreSQL meetups
-Different tech meetups...

So, instead of a LUG with everything it got specialised...

> Was there more interesting meetups? Mini hackathons? local events?

Some coming up "near" London:
Cambridge Debian BBQ in two weekends: https://wiki.earth.li/DebianParty2024

I suspect that the majority of people know eachother (they have been
doing them for very long time!) and are Debian developers. I haven't
attended them, I will not be there this time.

Debian MiniDebConf: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/gb/2024/MiniDebConfCambridge

I was there last year, was very good :-) (not only Debian Developers but
also users... specially I think on the weekend with talks)

I Googled "London unconference" and found a few of them as well.

Near here (Shropshire) there are two active LUGS, if you are willing to
come here :-) SLUG (Shropshire LUG) and Wolverhampton group. I think
that in Keele University there are meetups as well from the Free
Software Foundation?

> Currently I am planning to attend EuroBSDCon (I know its not Linux, but
> its still *nix) [2] in Ireland this year, and potentially FOSDEM next
> year [3] simply for the experience.

I enjoy FOSDEM very much!

Carles Pina i Estany
https://carles.pina.cat | carles at pina.cat | cpina at debian.org
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