[gloucs] changes...
Guy Edwards
Fri Aug 23 12:28:01 2002
On Fri, 2002-08-23 at 12:01, Sean Keane wrote:
> > It's part of the W3c's guidelines that the site has to be easy to use in
> > a b/w environment so we can do something to make the tabs more obvious.
> Well yes... I'm not saying that the site is awkward, just that those
> browsers are.
No its too late now you've said it! :-)
Seriously it's no sweat we'll make them stand out somehow as they need
to be more obvious in b/w. I don't have a b/w monitor and the color
won't turn off so its difficult to test. (thinks) I could knobble x/kde
of course.
...Guy quickly passes the dodgy code he's written to someone else :-)
> > Of course it would help if the html was valid, whoops :-), probably
> > something to do with the invalid "br" that the validator reports. Have a
> > look again tomorrow to see if it's fixed.
> These things happen.
> I doubt a rogue <br> would cause it but... well yeah, you never know.
We're using xhtml1.1 and the br there isn't legal at all and only works
in the other browsers because they're being bad. Konq's probably
sticking to the rules and going bonkers because of it.
It'll be fixed in a while...