[Gloucs] Meetings + Suggestions

Will Roe gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Apr 25 13:46:01 2003

On Thu, Apr 24, 2003 or thereabouts, Guy Edwards wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-04-23 at 16:22, john mckeown wrote:
> > Yesterday's turnout was up on March, with 4 new people.
> > Discussion/demo/talk topics included:
> Sorry for absense, clean forgot as I've been v.busy (see bottom of post)
> >    July
> > Crickleigh Park, outdoors; maybe open to families? 
> > more social - I plan to bring some picnic snacks
> > (alt. Robinswood Hill, not so easy to get to?)
> Mountain bikes are banned from Robinswood hill aren't they? I'd prefer
> t'other place.
> > Other talks in pipeline? Suggestions or offers please...
> > Smoothwall and firewalls    tbc
> Have just got Marks post as I was writing this. I'm running IPcop on 2
> machines at Gloscat and Smoothwall at home. 
> > Radical suggestion:
> > we should actively seek Mac OS X members (e.g. any Unix user)
> > as some Mac users interested in using their under-the-hood Unix 
> > and advertise  meeting to Macintosh people (e.g. via the Gloucs
> > Apple Centre people and other media)
> I can see where you're coming from but it isn't Linux. Maybe my
> thinkings a bit weird but Linux is also a kind of a way of doing things
> - one of the most famous pieces of open source software - whereas I
> thought Apple Mac tend to have an extremely opposite business approach,
> eg even more closed than windows. 

Rubbish! Let's not forget here that Apple has borrowed Konqueror, turned 
it into a usable and fast nice browser (I use it almost exclusively)...
and then, contributed their changes back to konqueror! Linux is getting
free development from the people who do it best.

I realise that at any point if good-ol Steve Jobs decides he doesn't like
this open source thing any more he'll go back the way it was, but the GPL
and others, protects the enhancements that they have made to the OSS world.
They can't take them away.

Frankly I couldn't care less about Apple's business model/approach, it's the
outstanding hardware and fairly good software that I care about ;)

Oh yeah - the main reason Apple are OS right now is that they want to be the
most famous piece of OSS, which puts them on the front line against M$.

> (re-reads it) whoops, do you mean try and recruit them or do you mean
> cover Unix and Mac OSX inthe meetings too?
> > Re: University
> > I'm suggesting an Open Day at Park Campus in November;
> > as a joint venture between University Unix Club (UUC).and GLUG
> > + UUC presence at Freshers' Fair advertising Open Day
> > + student members hopefully establish UUC as a Uni. Society
> > by end of May, then book Freshers' stall + room for Open Day
> > Jill? Matthew? Any student reading this?
> > I volunteer if need be to stand behind a Freshers' Fair stall.
> > (a University Unix Club could just meet e.g. once a term)
> > 
> > And/Or would GlosCat do something similar (in Gloucester?)
> Yes I should think the bean-counters are interested in anything that
> might boost their public profile. I'll suggest it. 
> For anyone who might be mildly interested, the reason I was busy is I've
> been redoing all the computer labs. I've setup Windows XP clients on a
> samba PDC (no problems yet) and we have had the last of our HP machines
> delivered which are all going to be Linux based. 
> <spam> 
> For unix (HP/Sun) hardware we (the college) got our stuff from here
> http://www.unixnerd.demon.co.uk/unix.html
> Just thought it might interest people as I know Hemplan always get a
> mention for cheap x86 stuff. 
> </spam>
> I noticed the latest part-time courses leaflet came out last week or so
> for Gloscat with no mention of the 2 new beginners Linux courses running
> in September. Grr! They _are_ going ahead it's a fact. One will be in
> September, the second after Christmas.
> Guy
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