[Gloucs] Meetings + Suggestions
Guy Edwards
gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Apr 25 22:00:00 2003
On Fri, 2003-04-25 at 13:41, Will Roe wrote:
> > > Radical suggestion:
> > > we should actively seek Mac OS X members (e.g. any Unix user)
> > > as some Mac users interested in using their under-the-hood Unix
> > > and advertise meeting to Macintosh people (e.g. via the Gloucs
> > > Apple Centre people and other media)
> >
> >
> > I can see where you're coming from but it isn't Linux. Maybe my
> > thinkings a bit weird but Linux is also a kind of a way of doing things
> > - one of the most famous pieces of open source software - whereas I
> > thought Apple Mac tend to have an extremely opposite business approach,
> > eg even more closed than windows.
> Rubbish!
Yeah I was thinking about this today and thought maybe I'd been talking
rubbish. Fair cop.
[snipped some good points]
> Frankly I couldn't care less about Apple's business model/approach, it's the
> outstanding hardware and fairly good software that I care about ;)
I care about the some of the ethics behind things (maybe sometimes over
what features software has), I confess I know very little about the
apple, osx or their latest business etc.
I asked before, did you want to cover OSX/Unix suff at the meetings
and/or did you mean you want to approach them (unix groups etc) to
promote Linux or what? Just would like to hear you thoughts.
> Oh yeah - the main reason Apple are OS right now is that they want to be the
> most famous piece of OSS, which puts them on the front line against M$.
I'd never really considered the Mac a serious contender, but then I
haven't had experience in some of the areas I'd heard it gets used a
lot. When we had to deal with an architectural company they all used
macs for rendering 3d models and I know that they use them a lot in all
the media centers at the colleges I've seen. My first introduction to
OSX was about Christmas time and I was really impressed, but I've not
personally had much contact with it.
> > For anyone who might be mildly interested, the reason I was busy is I've
> > been redoing all the computer labs. I've setup Windows XP clients on a
> > samba PDC (no problems yet) and we have had the last of our HP machines
> > delivered which are all going to be Linux based.
This bit was wrong too. In order to log in from a windows XP client onto
a samba PDC I had to make a modification to the registry.
then it worked fine.
> > <spam>
> > For unix (HP/Sun) hardware we (the college) got our stuff from here
> > http://www.unixnerd.demon.co.uk/unix.html
> > Just thought it might interest people as I know Hemplan always get a
> > mention for cheap x86 stuff.
> > </spam>
> >
> > I noticed the latest part-time courses leaflet came out last week or so
> > for Gloscat with no mention of the 2 new beginners Linux courses running
> > in September. Grr! They _are_ going ahead it's a fact. One will be in
> > September, the second after Christmas.
> >
> > Guy
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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Guy Edwards <guy_j_edwards@hotpop.com>