[Gloucs] February's Presentation

William Roe gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Feb 23 22:18:01 2003

On Saturday, Feb 15, 2003, at 23:06 Europe/London, Mark wrote:

> Ok the current agenda is (probably) going to look like this:
> What is security?
> Personal Security
> Operating System Security, (including buffer over/underruns)
> Common Services and their vulnerabilities (obviously not all of them)
> Common Attacks
> Viruses (maybe at the end depending on time and peoples boredom 
> tolerance.)
> Tools.
> websites
> Post Talk:
> Well, I'll make sure to have a getaway car ready..
> I Intend to bring current (as well as yet to be released) code to the
>  evening, there wont be copies handed out (have to wait a while), but
>  snippets will be browseable. I will also endeavour to remember to 
> bring a
>  copy/copies of last years Defcon presentations for anyone who is
>  interrested.

Sound good. By 'snippets will be browseable' what do you mean? are you 
it on a laptop, on paper (surely not!) or encrypted form (lol).

If this code happens to be on a wireless enabled laptop, then maybe, 
sftp access to it?
I say this 'cause I will be bringing a wireless-savy laptop, of course 

Any finally - what code? We talking IDSs, firewall code or some new 

> Ofcourse this is ALL limited to time so I will make sure I have my 
> floppy
> drive with me for anyone who wants a copy of the presentation to take 
> home

Don't have a floppy drive. Oh no, I lie - there is one in that 'puter I 
don't tend to
use very often. Shouldn't we all be using USB key drives (read: fast 
transfer so
everything can feasibly be encrypted)?

> and browse at leisure just for the eventuality that my attention span 
> wanders
> and we skip the less interresting parts.
> People with thoughts (preferably on-topic ones, but i dont mind 
> irrelevant
> ones) please reply or drop me a mail. If there is anything that anyone 
> else
> would want covered do not hesitate to let me know.

Perhaps some mention of a security/practicality ratio, some sort of 
for how secure we should all be at the moment and how this might change
in the future (no I don't mean quantum cryptography or anything, just 
the ever
increasing increase in key strength/CPU speed sort of thing) ...maybe...

> Have a good weekend folks,
> Mark
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