[Gloucs] February's Presentation - this Tuesday

Mark gloucs at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Feb 24 18:32:01 2003

On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 17:59, Guy Edwards wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 10:02, Jill Tovey wrote:
> > > Anyone else alive other than Sean, Guy and My little self?
> > >
> > 
> > Signs of life are apparent in the Tovey household today, 
> > however faint..
> While we're talking about tomorrow......
> Mark do you need any kit (projector etc) it's half term so borrowing the
> kit's no problem? Also does anyone want the Zaurus to play with (for the

projector please if possible!

> meeting only)?
> As a footnote I'll be wanting to ask some BSD related questions if
> there's going to be any BSD knowledgable people at the meeting.... I
> tried installing it today... makes the Debian installer look good in

Oh cripes stay away from BSD (if you thought Linux has security
Issues..!) forget the hype over BSD being more secure.. MAJOR holes
within the kernel that STILL havent been patched, and at last check
werent all that possible to keep it like BSD an patch.

Good to get everyones hopes up!
